Relating to or made of bell-metal Lit. A kind of unguent applied to the eyes Lit.

Kastam meaning in sanskrit. Meaning of the Sanskrit Word. Sanskrit also spelled ससकतम saṃskṛtam is an ancient language of India commonly seen as the grandmother of the Indo-European language family even English. Ka kabandhah kabandham kabandhani kabara kabaram kabarim kabe kabhu kaca kacah kacam kacasya kaccha kacchapa kacchapah kacchapam kacchapat kaccid kaccit kace kache kachi kacit kad kada kadaca kadacana kadacate kadacaya kadacit kadalaka kadali kadalira kadamadi kadamba kadambah kadambaih kadambera kadambesu.
Kesham meaning from sanskrit to english - Brainlyin. The online hypertext Sanskrit dictionary is meant for learning Sanskrit.
Achieved independence from the United Kingdom in 1971. The following is our wish list of Sanskrit dictionaries to be added to the search. A vessel made of metal goblet cup Lit.
Translates words between Sanskrit and English. Sanskrit to English Dictionaries A Dictionary in Sanscrit and English. Wilson 2nd Ed 1832 A Dictionary in Sanscrit and English.
A fragrant earth Lit. Enclose the word in for an EXACT match eg. The economy is dominated by.
Kaṣṭam कषटम from kaṣṭa ind. There are many fables in Sanskrit for beginners. Sanskrit to English Dictionary.
Kāśmīra m. Aho ahoalas SB 11323 SB 1. Learnsanskrit - An English - Sanskrit dictionary.
An exclamation of grief or sorrow. Kaṃsaka n. Find the meaning gender and usage of sanskrit words.
Extensive database with mutilple meanings and uses for any given word. A king of Kaśmīra Lit. Sanskrit Words Starting With.
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A peninsula extending northward from the Arabian mainland into the Persian Gulf. An Arab country on the peninsula of Qatar.
Kaśmala dejection of mind weakness despair Lit. Katar Peninsula Qatar Qatar Peninsula.
Aho kastamalas what a miserable condition of life SB 5829 aho mahatmanO great devotee Madhya 24125 aho rajanO King SB 42954 brahman ahoO Lord Brahma SB 8618 aho svitor else. Gaṇas and sindhv-ādi born in or coming from Kaśmīra Lit. This is an online hypertext dictionary for Sanskrit - English and English - Sanskrit.
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